Sunday, November 13, 2005

Bad Timing

Wtf... I can't believe I missed 2 tickets to the premiere of Harry Potter! Aaagrh! I went to right? And then I decided to take part in the online contest... u probably guessed what the prize is right? Anyway, I took part (3 times, using my father's, mother's and my name) and then just forgot about the whole thing... don't ask me why! And then on the date that this post was published, I got an SMS from my sis saying I missed the 2 tickets... supposed to collect it on 11th November (friday)... But how was I to know? They sent it to my dad's gmail account! And then my dad blames me for like not checking his email cause I entered the competition and everything... and hogging the laptop and stuff... but hey! He was on the laptop for a pretty long time as well and all he was did was play Spider Solitaire! WTF! Anyway it's HIS email, HE should check it himself!!!! Not that I'm like pissed out or anything about the tickets, cause Jak already promised to take me to watch once he came back to KL, but just the prospect of losing those tickets is just too painful!!! AAGRH!


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