Thursday, October 27, 2005

Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI:NY, CSI:Miami, next thing you know, they'll be having a CSI: KL... with me as the head CSI. What a laugh... Being a CSI ain't a bad job. You get to play around with powder and superglue (for fingerprinting) and all the cool stuff in the lab, including using test tubes and beakers (w0w! :D :D :D) And, I've noticed even though in my chem textbook says you're supposed to hold this like this and that, the CSI people don't. Which shows it's irrelevant. Not just that, there have been a medley of shows similar to CSI popping up as well... Medical Investigation, Numb3rs (using math equation to solve cases) , just to name a few... This is my first posting on my first blog... watch out for more!